Condensers Fan Test Bench
Condensers Fan Test Bench manufacturers & exporters from India, Test Bench is used for on-line quality testing of assembled Condensers Fans, Main Features of Test Bench are;
- Checks the presence of part on condensers testing fixtures
- Barcode scanning windows is glow after part placing on fixture then Scan the barcode like FLT Barcode, Spin Winding Barcode & Fan Balancing Barcode etc.
- Test bench 1st check condensers fan cap orientation through vision systems
- Test Bench 2nd applied constant DC voltage to part as well as measure voltage & current draw by condensers fan motor
- During fan running at full speed also measure Fan RPM as well as Fan Vibration
- Testing with special DC Power supply 30 VDC/30 Amp. Current limits
- Bar Code printing option available after completion of the test.
- PC Based system with Lab VIEW OPC Server software & Q Series PLC for monitoring and editing / setting of different model test parameters.
- “OK” and “NG” Output after completion of test.