Flatness & Concavity Guages Machine
Flatness & Concavity Gauges Machine manufacturers & exporters from India, Machine is used for on-line checking Car AC Compressor Armature Flatness & Concavity testing of automobile Car AC Compressor Assy,
Main Features of the machine are:
- Check the Flatness through 9 Nos of Different Location LVDT.
- Machine Running & Check Flatness 360 degree rotation & Display Measured Value
- Machine Running & Check Concavity 360 degree rotation & Display Measured Value
- Machine Check & Measured Value of Clutch Plate / Armature Disc Value and Compared with Set Limit Data of Flatness & Concavity upto 1 mircon
- Bar Code printing & stamping option available after completion of the test.
- PC Based system with Lab VIEW OPC Server software & FX Series PLC for monitoring and editing / setting of different model test parameters.
- “OK” and “NG” Output after completion of test.